Sunday, July 7, 2013

Limousines and Balance Bikes!

The theme of this weekend has to be vehicles...

Friday night, I was invited to one of my best friend's "birthday in july" celebration!  After gathering at her house, the group of nine excited girls, starving for a night on the town, was transported by limousine to a delicious pizzeria and from there, to the streets of downtown Nashville for an eventful night of dancing in the Honky Tonks, bar-hopping, losing a phone at hotdog stand to a member of the resident homeless population aiming to make a buck by selling birthday girls' phones back to them, losing one another in the chaos, and reuniting (phone and all) to be chauffeured back home early the next morning following some unanticipated pitstops!  A hilarious evening that I will not soon forget! 

Saturday, by contrast, brought a more family oriented vehicle to our home--the balance bike! Mister and I ordered one of these contraptions, highly recommended to us by another best friend, in our desperation for any type of solution to the training wheel situation.  Allow me to clarify: by situation, I am referring to the Dreamer's inability to shake the confidence and comfort of the two miniature extra wheels attached to the back of her "leopard" (otherwise known as a bicycle to those of us not governed by fantasy) offering her peace of mind as she meanderingly pedals along.  

It. Is. Wonderful. 

Not only was the Dreamer successful at balancing for short coasting spurts merely minutes after climbing onto the little two wheeler, but the Caveman, too, is able to ride the bike! 

Hopefully we are on the road to training-wheel-free biking. Then we will fill our days with cycling, only breaking to eat or go searching for earthworms...

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